Inspiring Occupational Therapist Awards

Inspiring Occupational Therapist Award

SAOT’s Inspiring Occupational Therapist Award is a bi-annual event, held in conjunction with our National OT Conference. This award was first launched in 2015, and seeks to be an extension of SAOT’s mission and vision in advancing the quality of Occupational Therapy in Singapore – highlighting outstanding and inspirational OT leaders who have not only excelled professionally, but also demonstrated impactful contributions towards elevating the quality of health and social care delivery for all in Singapore.

Our SAOT Inspiring OT Award references the Skills Framework for Healthcare (SkillsFuture, 2018) as a guiding framework for evaluation of our outstanding nominees. Based on a thematic consolidation agreed on by SAOT Council, our Inspiring OT Award seeks to celebrate OTs who have exemplified the following areas:

Recipients of the SAOT Inspiring OT Award recipient have demonstrated a variety of skills that enables him/her to not only uphold exemplary professional standards as an OT role model, but also to influence the health and social care innovation landscape through strategic leadership locally and/or internationally, and across professional boundaries.

These recipients are also lifelong learners who provide strong mentorship for OTs in Singapore – helping the younger generations to navigate their professional development journey through sharing of reflective lenses/skills, while also formulating structures to facilitate people development and critical thought leadership within their respective fields of influence.

Our Past Inspiring OT Award Winners


Ms Doreen Yeo - Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Ms Florence Cheong - Tan Tock Seng Hospital


Ms Lau Cheng Mun - Nanyang Polytechnic


Mr Lim Hua Beng - Singapore Institute of Technology