Our Workplace Ambassadors

Our Workplace Ambassadors (WAs)

SAOT Workplace Ambassadors serve as the bridge between SAOT and occupational therapists in their respective organisations. WAs are the touchpoints for SAOT membership matters, events, and exclusive first-hand news. They also provide leverage for SAOT to listen and outreach to OTs across Singapore, enabling Workplace-Ambassador associated benefits such as gift packages to organizations with WAs!

Figure above: Our Workplace Ambassadors representing their organizations to collect SAOT OT Day gift packages for OTs at their workplace! This was possible because of their representation and coordination for their organizations.

Listed below are our Workplace Ambassadors and the respective organisation they serve:

Find our Workplace Ambassadors through this interactive Google Map!

Keen to be one of our Workplace Ambassadors to bridge your organization’s OT workforce with SAOT?